L i m b o

Colectivo Fango

  • Show of the Confines theatre series. Ten performative explorations on limits
Director: Camilo Vásquez
Starring: Trigo Gómez, Rafuska Marks, Manuel Minaya, Rodrigo da Matta, Juan Miguel Alcarria, Danilo Moroni and Camilo Vásquez
Visual artist: Danilo Moroni
Creative technician: Juan Miguel Alcarria
Sound: Rodrigo da Matta
Assistant director: Aitana Sar

There is no politics that is not politics of the body”.
Michel Foucault

About the play

A female actor, two male actors, an audiovisual creative team and a director; some of the artists that are a part of Colectivo Fango decided to create from the confines of their homes. L i m b o is a theatrical, performative and audiovisual piece where the viewer is invited to follow the creative process from within and to be a witness to the private spaces of the artists. All that takes place becomes material for the project which involves a investigation into: my body, my border?

L i m b o places us on the border between the real world and the world of fantasy. Fiction and reality coexist in a nebulous, strange space. But in times of pandemics and lockdowns, what's “real”? What are the new walls that are being built? Are we ready to bring down that which is established, to deliberately mutate and “reveal ourselves” by means of creativity?

As the collective explains, “As with all working groups, when Covid-19 arrived, we were exiled from our rehearsal space, where we had been working on a new creation LA ESPERA (The Wait), a project that focuses its narrative on the promise of this future that is yet to arrive.

In lockdown, the first thing we did was to meet up in Hangouts, to see each other, to talk, listen and make sure that we were all fine. From then on, we took the decision to maintain our artist residency. Suddenly, our house had become our creative space. The theme that we had been working on now took on a newer meaning. Deskwork was more present than ever.

We exchanged and discussed articles, essays, films, poems, music. We shared anecdotes, dreams, fears, desires. We rediscovered the first texts that had emerged before the pandemic. We kept the lights on, and at the end of each session, we raised a toast. Drama in lockdown.

The opening of the Confines initiative of the 38th Autumn Festival thus led to the natural awakening of a proposal that had been unconsciously brewing from the start of the lockdown. A proposal that fit our line of work and at the same time, mobilised the conventional idea of creative production.

We have sought to share our creative process, not as a documentary archive but by submerging ourselves in a process that questions the limits of reality and fiction where it is hard to distinguish what is a part of our daily lives and what is a part of artistic experience. We let ourselves be ambiguous, playful, flexible, honest, unfaithful.

Lying about absolute truths, being guilty of brutal honesty with barefaced lies. Who can distinguish what’s real and what isn't? From this perspective, we seek to tell the story of a creation: the creation of a piece on what our locked down bodies have experienced. We asked ourselves, how are these lockdown policies materialised and reflected in bodies, spaces and times? From this point onwards, our performers (Manu, Rodrigo and Rafuska) have developed their proposals.

About the collective

Colectivo Fango's career began in 2016 in Madrid and is guided by a continuous search for human and artistic identity.

The collective's first work was the play F.O.M.O. (Fear of Missing Out) which premiered at the Surge Madrid Festival in 2017. The show was later included in the 2018 programme of the National Drama Centre, apart being staged at several international festivals such as the Be Festival in Birmingham (United Kingdom) in 2018 or the LMDP Festival Internazionale di Teatro Arte e Nuove Tecnologie (Sardinia, Italy) in 2017.

Additionally, as part of its creative labour, Colectivo Fango also conducts theatre workshops imparted by the director Camilo Vásquez at the LMDP Festival in Sardinia, the Laboratorio Rivas Cherif of the CDN in Madrid, at La Térmica in Malaga, etc.

Colectivo Fango's second work was TRIBU (Tribe). Presented as a work in progress in the Vivero Clásico section of the Festival Clásicos de Alcalá in 2018, once it was completed, it premièred in the Sala Cuarta Pared in May 2019.

In October 2019, the troupe began their research for their next showLA ESPERA. The idea for this new show was to close F.O.M.O. and TRIBU as the first two parts of a trilogy on the search for identity through time. Currently, it is in the development stage, with the support of an Ayudas a la Creación grant provided by the Madrid City Council.

Simultaneously, the members of Fango who are participating in the Confines initiative of the 38th Autumn Festival are Trigo Gómez, Rafuska Marks, Manuel Minaya, Danilo Moroni and Camilo Vásquez.

Practical information

Full information on the show Ticket sales